The 501st Legion

The 501st Legion Romanian Outpost And The Rebel Legion Carpathian Outpost – Traditional Guests of Aniventure Comic Con


The 501st Legion

The 501st Legion (a.k.a. Vader's Fist) is the world's largest all-volunteer Star Wars costuming organization, with almost 14,000 active members and a total of over 34,000 Legion approved costumes as of June 2024. The Legion is active on six continents, with Garrisons and Outposts in 69 countries around the globe. Formed initially for the white Death Star armored troops, the group has grown to include all Imperial trooper variations as well as Sith Lords, bounty hunters and other villains from both the movies and Legends. As a tribute to the group, the legion of blue clone troopers in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith that Darth Vader leads into Jedi Temple during Operation: Knightfall is designated the 501st, officially making the group name canon. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it is Lucasfilm's preferred Imperial costuming group.


Our Mission

The organization has the express purpose of bringing together costume enthusiasts, under a collective identity within which to promote interest in Star Wars by building and wearing quality costumes that aim to be faithful replicas of the screen-used ones. Under the motto "Bad Guys Doing Good", the members participate in Star Wars-related events or contributions to the local community, through costumed charity and volunteer work.


The 501st Legion – Romanian Outpost

For over 10 years we’d only been represented by Ken Huegel (ID 6766), an American who has chosen Romania as his adoptive country. Until 2017, when four other Romanian Star Wars and cosplay fans joined in, followed by more in following years. The group habitually attends local cosplay conventions, Star Wars-related events, premieres and anniversaries (in cooperation with Disney) and local charity events.


The Rebel Legion

The Rebel Legion is an international Star Wars costuming organization created by, of and for people interested in creating costumes from the Star Wars mythos. Jedi, Rebel Pilots, Troopers, Princesses and even Wookiees…. we’ve got them all….and we’re always looking for more.

Much like the Rebellion in the Star Wars movies, an alliance of rebel costumers first appeared in mid-1999; thanks to a handful of brave individuals who responded to the rise of the 501st and wanted to celebrate the heroes of the Star Wars saga. By 2001, Rebel Legion had multiplied in numbers and launched their own website and message boards. Although started in the United States, the Legion is now an international club that encompasses multiple nations worldwide and has become the premier Rebel costuming group in the Star Wars community.


Our Mission

The mission of The Rebel Legion is threefold. First, we offer the costume enthusiast of the Star Wars hero characters a global community to enjoy, express, and share their costume talents. Secondly, the Legion also promotes the quality and improvement of Star Wars costumes. Thirdly and most importantly, we follow the lead of Lucasfilm Ltd. by giving back to the community through works of charity and volunteerism.


The Rebel Legion – Carpathian Outpost

Since 2023, our Romanian organisation already boasts six active members and has started its good work, together with the 501st Legion Romanian Outpost.


The 501st And Rebel Legions In Action At Aniventure Comic Con 2024


The Star Wars Quiz – premiering this year, we hope to create a new tradition with a Star Wars themed quiz on the Asia stage of the convention, at 15:00h Saturday and 16:00h Sunday. So prepare your buzzer fingers, recap all your Star Wars knwolegde and come to our booth each day, by 14:00h to register! Spots are limited to only 4 contestants per day, so hurry up! We have surprise prizes prepared for the grand winners!


The Star Wars Cosplay Contest – a fan favourite tradition, the themed contest is coming back for another year! Don’t miss the chance to show off your costume, win awesome prizes and find other fans of the art! You can find the contest rules here.


Photo Spot – Get in the spirit! Grab an authentic lightsaber, maybe even a helmet, stand in front of an awesome background and take a cool Star Wars themed photo!


The Imperial Cosplay Repair Kit will be here, just like every year, to save all cosplay guests from trouble. If you have an urgent costume or prop repair, small suture, need to glue something – quickly run to the 501st Legion booth. The repair kit and the Legion members will provide you with the materials and help you with a quick fix.


Blast-A-Star-Wars-Character is back! The game is an organized mock firing range, where fans shoot foam darts at Imperial characters. So if you ever wanted to face Darth Vader, a Tusken Raider or Imperial Officers and hold them “at gun point” – this is your chance!


Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. ©2014 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™ All rights reserved. Used under authorization.