Aniventure Comic Con 2025 is waiting for you and your group on the big stage! Join the largest and most colorful K-Pop show in the country and capture the audience's hearts with synchronization, costumes, energy, and charisma!
Here’s what you need to consider or do if you want to present your K-Pop performance on the Aniventure Comic Con 2025 stage:
1. The maximum duration of your song/mix should not exceed 4 minutes and 30 seconds (04:30).
2. The music must mostly consist of K-Pop. Songs of other genres are allowed, but the main song must be K-Pop or a mix of such songs. A typical distribution would look like this: 70% K-Pop and 30% other genre.
3. The group must have at least 2 participants (solo performances are not allowed), and there is no maximum limit. However, it is preferable that the group does not exceed 15 participants. Each participant is allowed to participate in a maximum of TWO groups. This means that registration will not be accepted for groups with a member who is already in two other groups! A group can only exchange members with up to two other groups. For example: Group A registers and its members include dancers from groups B and C. Group A cannot further exchange members with group D in their project.
Please note that the order of appearance on stage is determined to make the show as interesting as possible for the audience, and will not consider repeated participants. If you register for two performances, they might be consecutive or with a very short break between them.
4. Repeating songs will not be allowed. If there are two groups with the same song, only one will be allowed to participate. If you still want to use a song identical to another group’s in your own mix, the tolerance is 30 seconds.
5. It is preferable that you prepare a special themed outfit for your performance. It is mandatory to wear undergarments (safety pants, bra/bralette, etc.). Aniventure Comic Con is an event with no age restrictions, and many of the guests are minors. Additionally, the appearance of uncensored footage in the live stream could result in its removal, as well as more severe restrictions on social media platforms. Please be considerate of these factors. If an organizer notices a potential problem with your outfit before you go on stage, they reserve the right to ask you to modify your clothing to comply with this rule.
6. Each group must send lighting requirements for the stage during the performance at the time of registration. The leader must describe with exact seconds (based on the performance recording you send, not the audio file or multimedia) the lighting setup you request. For example:
*Submitted video in which the group starts dancing at the 4th second*:
0:00 - 0:04: Slowly turning on pink backlighting (+ smoke)
0:04 - 0:12: Adding front white lighting, back lighting starts moving
0:12 - 0:40: Side green beams are activated, blinking slowly in rhythm with the music.
It is not required to follow this exact format, but at least this information must be provided to the organizer. If you’re unsure what stage lights are available, you can review videos from the K-Pop show of previous Aniventure Comic Con editions as reference. The group can simply specify the basic colors – in this case, the organizer will be responsible for providing suitable lighting for the performance.
7. Multimedia for your performance, if you wish to use it, must be:
- MP3 format with a minimum of 44 kHz/192 kbps and jpg image in 1920x1080 format; OR
- MP4 clip with a resolution of 1920x1080 (audio quality parameters remain the same)
N.B.!Multimedia will only be requested from approved groups and must be sent by 23.06.2025. After 24.06.2025, no files will be replaced.
8. To register your group, the leader must complete the registration form by 13.06.2025:
The form will require the following information:
- Email address for correspondence (please fill out the form with the same email)
- Name of the group
- Name of the leader, link to their Facebook profile, and their phone number
- Full names of all group members (including the leader)
- Performer(s) and the name of the song (or songs if you are doing a mix)
- A recording of the dance performance* – as a link to a PRIVATE YouTube clip (links to online storage will not be accepted)
- Description of the desired stage lighting (as described in item 6)
It is preferable to register early (there’s no need to wait for the deadline), and you can send a recording of the dance later. The group must gather in full and record the entire dance performance. The recording should be unedited – a continuous performance with only the imposed music. The dance should be performed without mirrors, so we can see how it is done without you seeing yourselves. The quality of the recording must be good enough to clearly show the dancers’ expressions. It doesn’t matter where it is filmed, as long as all participants are visible, and the music is audible. There are no requirements for participants to be in costumes or a specific appearance during the recording (you do not need to film in the outfits you plan to wear during the actual performance). The camera should be placed centrally in front of the dancers. We also expect the performance to have feeling – K-Pop dances are an incredible show, and your facial expressions and whether you enjoy dancing are important factors in judging which groups will be selected for the event. If any of the above requirements are not met and it hinders the selection team from evaluating the performance, it may affect the final selection.
9. Groups will be informed within 5 days after 13.06.2025 whether they have been accepted to participate. The maximum number of groups that will be accepted is 22. A three-member team will be formed to select the most suitable performances, and this team will be announced at a later date. Please note that the K-Pop show at Aniventure Comic Con is not a competition. The technical quality of a dance remains a leading factor, but the song choice, costumes, lip-syncing, and overall theatricality of the performance are also important.
10. The K-Pop show will take place on the Sunday of the festival. All participants from approved groups will receive a free two-day pass to the event.
11. NAKAMA reserves the right to change these rules without notice. They will be published on the event website, and every participant must read and familiarize themselves with them. Registering for the K-Pop dance at Aniventure Comic Con 2025 constitutes written agreement to these rules.
12. Registering for the K-Pop dance at Aniventure Comic Con 2025 expresses the participant's consent to be filmed and recorded, and for the recorded materials to be used by NAKAMA for promotional purposes.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so an organizer can contact you and assist you!